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Indoor air quality takes top priority in planning a building, so planning passive houses also involves the requirements of health-promoting building. The goal is to minimize pollutant immissions and damage to health. If possible the Pettenkofer threshold of 0.1 % v/v CO2 should not be exceeded. This leads to a requirement of 30 m3 of fresh air per hour for each person at normal levels of activity.

Controlled ventilation systems help to increase comfort and ensure hygienically satisfactory indoor air. In addition, heat recovery via a heat exchanger can save energy. The following parameters are prerequisites for a ventilation system appropriate to passive houses:

  • Heat recovery rate ηWRG,eff ≥ 75 %
  • Intake air temperature > 16.5 °C to ensure comfort
  • Electrical efficiency pel < 0.45 Wh/m³
  • Ventilation device largely leak-free
  • Noise level in living space < 25 dB(A)


Air distribution in a plus-energy building. Upper floor (above) and ground floor (below) (source: Benjamin Wimmer, Architekt Nürnberg)

Air distribution in a plus-energy building. Upper floor (above) and ground floor (below) (source: Benjamin Wimmer, Architekt Nürnberg)

Air distribution in a plus-energy building. Upper floor (above) and ground floor (below) (source: Benjamin Wimmer, Architekt Nürnberg)

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