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04_Health aspects in general


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Health aspects in general

The insulation material selected may have health effects during both the building phase and actual use.

For example, fibre insulation materials can emit respirable fibre dust – particulates which can infiltrate into the lung. This applies for example to renovating structures incorporating older glass or rock wool products. In general, when fibre materials are installed or removed, skin, eyes and mucous membranes can be irritated unless adequate precautionary measures are taken.

Fire protection is also an essential part of health protection. Materials have to be installed in such a way that occupants’ safety is ensured in case of fire. Apart from the immediate fire hazard and the spreading of the fire, combustion gases are the key issue here. Almost all materials emit hazardous substances in such cases. The proportion of toxic components in the combustion products varies, but carbon monoxide, which in particular develops when these construction materials smoulder, is often responsible for lethal pollution.

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